I hear the DllMain function is called when the process loads the needed dll at the start time, so I write the following code to verify this: //mydll.cpp #include <windows.h> […]

What is a const function? Const functions are defined like int fun() const But only a member function can be const, i.e., there is no concept of const function outside […]

To check the type of a variable in C++, you can use typeid(variable).name(), for example #include <typeinfo> … … int b=9; char c=’a’; char * p=&c; int *d; printf(“%s\n”,typeid(b).name()); printf(“%s\n”,typeid(c).name()); […]

As an old programmer, when I debug a program, the first option is neither using qDebug()<<“helloworld”, nor using cout<<“helloworld”, not mention QMessageBox::information(this,”hello”,”world”). I’d like to use the old printf function. […]

Look at this simple code: QString s=”abcd”; char * ts=s.toLocal8Bit().data(); QMessageBox::information(NULL,”length”,QString(“s length:%1, ts length:%2”).arg(s.length()).arg(strlen(ts))); What do you think about the length of s and ts? Are they both 4? No, […]