WordPress: from url to template file
When you access a url like https://myprogrammingnotes.com/category/uncategorized of a WordPress site, which file does WordPress use to serve the reply? Do not think there is a file called uncategorized that […]
When you access a url like https://myprogrammingnotes.com/category/uncategorized of a WordPress site, which file does WordPress use to serve the reply? Do not think there is a file called uncategorized that […]
WordPress has a function download_url that can download a file(such as an image) from remote site. I got this “cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired” error when […]
I have been looking for a way to add javascript in wordpress post. This seems an advanced technique as in most cases you write text not code in a post. […]
What is WordPress shortcode? WP shortcode is what you put in [] in your post. For example, if you write [dateoftoday] in your post, the dateoftoday is a shortcode. Why […]
As a savvy spammer, I know how to get backlinks from WordPress websites to my site. The simplest way is to comment on posts on other wordpress sites , leaving […]
You must know a way to check the WordPress version, i.e., login administration dashboard. The version of installed wordpress is shown somewhere on the home page of the administration dashboard. […]
WordPress image attachment is a little complicated thing. In a post that is inserted an image attachment, you can edit some attributes like alt text, height, width of the inserted […]
WordPress xml-rpc calls are nothing but http post requests. The core stuff is building the body for the post request. The body is an xml containing the information such as […]
Whether you use the default WordPress login page(i.e. http://myprogrammingnotes.com/login) or create a custom login form of your own, the back end code will eventually call the core login function wp_signon to […]
Although WordPress provides default user registration mechanism, sometimes we need to add custom fields to the registration form to collect more information from the user. Here we give a design […]