How to pass parameters to linker in qt .pro file?
You may want to use QMAKE_CXXFLAGS, but it only passes the arguments to g++ at the compiling stage(i.e., g++ -c …) not at the linking stage. To pass arguments to […]
You may want to use QMAKE_CXXFLAGS, but it only passes the arguments to g++ at the compiling stage(i.e., g++ -c …) not at the linking stage. To pass arguments to […]
To build Qt 4.8 with MingW, you have to use a proper MingW version. The latest MingW won’t build Qt 4.8. You will get weird problems such as “qsimd.cpp:296:23: error: […]
Creating a Firefox extension that automatically reloads a page can be accomplished using the WebExtensions API provided by Firefox. To write a firefox addon, you need to at least write […]
You must know how to add an icon for a firefox extension: “browser_action”: { “default_popup”: “popup.html”, “default_icon”: { “16”: “icon16.png”, “48”: “icon48.png”, “128”: “icon128.png” }, “default_title”:”hello world”, } You expect […]
If you are developing a firefox extension, you might get this error after you edit the manifest.json file and reload the extension. It indicates some error in the manifest, e.g., […]
An http header is like: header-name:header-value The header-name is immediately followed by a colon. There can be one or more spaces between the header-value and the colon. There can be […]
Today, I add two c files(one is fun.c, the other is its header file fun.h) to a c++ project, because I want to call a function(fun1) residing in the C […]
I did not really understand google api despite the fact I’ve already developed several apps that use google apis, even in different languages such as php, python, c++, and javascript. […]
Consider the following example: i = tf.get_variable(“i”, dtype=tf.int32, shape=[], initializer=tf.ones_initializer()) n = tf.constant(10) def cond(a, n): return a< n def body(a, n): a = a + 2 return a, n […]
A RNN(Recurrent Neural Network) layer is composed of a set of recurrent neurons. The output of each recurrent neuron is dependent not only on the input vector but also the […]