
Network request initiators

When you type a url such as in Firefox’s address bar and type the enter key, the browser will send many http requests to the network. These requests are […]

Although it seems very easy to understand what an inline element is, I have not found an accurate definition of inline element. Somebody says inline elements are those displayed in […]

css border corner joint and cut

css border property seems easy to use. “border:1px solid red;” will draw a border of 1-pixel thick solid red color around a block. But think a little further, you may […]

Html elements are so easy to learn. Even you are not major in computer science, even you are not a programmer, you can easily master them and use them to […]

<input type=”submit” name=”submit” value=”submit”> There are so many submit in the input tag, what do they mean? We often use <input> in a form to transfer back some user input […]

CSS overflow and overflow-wrap seem easy to understand, but I find no document gives you clear explanation. I mean you can understand their definition by reading those document, but only […]

How to make div as button in html?

You  are taught by HTML books to make a button using the <button> tag. But you’ll soon be disappointed in real world because you can hardly find a button created […]

How to make text center align in div?

You may think it is easy to center text in div: tml> <head> </head> <body> <div style=”background-color:red;width:100px;height:100px;text-align:center;”> subscribe </div> </body> </html> In the above example, you want to use the […]