The return value of ReadFile is of BOOL type, which means the return value only indicates whether the function succeeds or fails. If the function fails, the return value does […]
The return value of ReadFile is of BOOL type, which means the return value only indicates whether the function succeeds or fails. If the function fails, the return value does […]
The prototype of RegSetValueExA is: LSTATUS RegSetValueExA(HKEY hKey,LPCSTR lpValueName,DWORD Reserved,DWORD dwType,const BYTE *lpData,DWORD cbData); lpData points to the data to be stored in registry. cbData is the number of first […]
If you build a dll using Mingw g++ like: g++ -shared -o myprogrammingnotes.dll myprogrammingnotes.cpp If __declspec(dllexport) is not present in the source file, all functions except the entry point function(DllMain) […]
This is what it looks like when writing an int 0x123456 to a file viewed in hex view of notepad++. At the first glance, you cannot match it with the […]
When a thread calls CoInitialize(NULL) or CoInitializeEx(NULL,COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED), it creates a new STA apartment. The creating thread is said to be in the apartment. When the thread later instantiates a COM […]
When a program calls the COM lib function CoCreateInstance, what will happen? What work does CoCreateInstance do? How does CoCreateInstance work? The function has a parameter classid. The function looks […]
Unlike science, technique is easy to be followed, cracked, hacked, copied, plagiarized, stolen, even surpassed by others so it need some barriers. Why are there so many evil words associated […]
I hear the DllMain function is called when the process loads the needed dll at the start time, so I write the following code to verify this: //mydll.cpp #include <windows.h> […]
A lib file name typically ends with .a or .lib. A .a suffix lib is a static lib but a .lib suffix lib is either a static lib or an […]
What is a const function? Const functions are defined like int fun() const But only a member function can be const, i.e., there is no concept of const function outside […]